15 Awesome Machu Picchu Facts for Kids - Learning Made Fun (2024)

Last Updated on September 26, 2023 by Ariana Svenson

Machu Picchu is a fascinating place, one of those places where y find something new to appreciate each time you go! It is definitely one of the Best Places to Visit in South America! Get ready to learn some interesting Machu Picchu facts for kids!

Mount Machu Picchu can be a great place to visit with kids, too. Whether you’re planning a Peru family holiday or just want to do little educational armchair travel with your children, there is lots to learn about this fascinating site.

That’s why we have compiled a list of Machu Picchu kids facts. The list includes some information for kids about Machu Picchu we think will be fun and interesting for them to learn.

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15 Awesome Machu Picchu Facts for Kids - Learning Made Fun (1)

My Machu Picchu Experiences

I first visited Machu Picchu 20 years ago after completing the Inca trail. We sat in the fog, waiting for the sun to rise and my first view of the ruins was mist covered, enigmatic but underwhelming: (It’s true)! Little was I to know that not long after that first trek to Machu Picchu, Peru, was going to change my life as I settled in Cusco teaching English.

Over the years, I’ve visited Machu Picchu many times, devouring books expressing different theories as to its function and history.

I visited Machu Pregnant, then with a baby, a toddler and kids leading to a range of Peru family travel guides, including the perfect family-friendly Peru itinerary.

Fun Facts about Machu Picchu for Kids

If you want to discover more about Machu Picchu, these fun facts about Machu Picchu for kids will expand your knowledge and maybe even inspire you to visit. Here are some amazing facts about Machu Picchu.

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Machu Picchu was Built by the Incas

The Incas were a civilization in Peru that ruled from about 1400 AD to 1533 AD. They created a vast empire that stretched along most of Western America.

Today, they are particularly remembered for their very fine woven textiles and their incredible stone buildings. You can read more amazing Peru facts for kids here.

Machu Picchu is probably the most impressive, and certainly the most famous, of those stone buildings. It was first built around the year 1450 AD by the Incan Emperor chacutec.

The Incan city was built high on a mountaintop at an altitude of 2430m above sea level (7972 is the altitude of Machu Picchu in feet). It featured hundreds of buildings made of hand-carved stone with hatched rooves, terraced gardens, and open fields.

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How Big Is Machu Picchu?

The site that we know as Machu Picchu consists of more than 150 buildings. This includes houses, baths, temples, and sanctuaries.

There are also more than 100 individual flights of stairs! Amazingly, many of these staircases were carved from a single block of stone.

But that’s just what you can see on the surface. Archaeologists estimate that more than half of Machu Picchu’s true size is actually underground! Machu Picchu site is on a steep mountaintop, so the Incas needed to build a complex system of earthworks and drainage beneath the city.

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Why is Machu Picchu in Such Excellent Condition?

It was never discovered by the Spanish – and therefore never plundered, or rebuilt like was the fate of many of the other sacred Incan sites like the Coricancha in Cusco. Which today houses the Temple of Santo Domingo on Incan Foundations.

After it was “rediscovered” in 1911, historians believed that the location of Machu Picchu had never been revealed to the Spanish due to its very Sacred nature. This is unlikely – some of the later campaigns to subdue the rebel Incas in the Vilcabamba literally rode right past…led by disaffected Inca people themselves.

The most likely theory was that due to the internal civil war between Incan brothers Atahualpa and Huascar, Machu Picchu had fallen into dis-use by time the Spanish arrived.

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Machu Picchu is One of the Most Famous Sites in the World

Ask anyone what they think of when they think of Peru, and most will tell you – Machu Picchu! The ancient Inca city has become almost synonymous with Peru.

It’s no wonder it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. And, in 2007, it was also voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World! This is a pretty incredible honour. Machu Picchu was one of the only wonders chosen from South America Without a doubt, Machu Picchu is one of the Must-See Places for Your Peru Family Vacation!

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What Does the Name “Machu Picchu” Mean?

What does Machu Picchu mean? During the time of the Incas, Quechua was the language spoken throughout the empire. Many landmarks, buildings, and towns have Quechua names as a rest, including Machu Picchu!

So what does Machu Picchu mean? It is a compound name made up of two Quechua words: Machu and Picchu. “Machu” means “old” in Quechua, and “Picchu” means “peak”. So “chu Picchu” means “old peak”!

Bonus Fact – Quechua is still widely spoken today in the Andes! The words can be difficult to pronounce for non-native speakers, but for most people who understand Quechua, it is a lovely, sweet language, and it can be really funny, too!

The Spanish introduced the Spanish language in the 16th century, but many people still speak the local language – Quechua.

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Why Was Machu Picchu Built?

We know that people lived at Machu Picchu, but we are not totally sure who, why, or for how long.

Machu Picchu Fun Fact – The Inca people did not have a system of writing! As a result, there are no written records that historians can re to find out why Machu Picchu was built or what it was used for.

Machu Picchu might have been a holy nunnery housing Virgins of the Sun. It may have been a royal estate, a retreat for the Inca nobility, or even an agricultural testing site.

The site is very remote, so it was not known to the Spanish Conquistadors. Its hidden location meant the site was a secret to the native people of the are until Hiram Bingham arrived, and the remote-living Quechua farmers were using the land for cultivation.

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Fun Machu Picchu Facts for Kids: It Was Never Really Lost

Here are some interesting Machu Picchu information for kids. Machu Picchu came to be known as the “Lost City of the Incas” – it was never really lost! How is this possible? Local people always knew the city was there, even though it was overgrown with vegetation.

So why did we think it was lost? Well, sadly, many Incan cities were destroyed during the Spanish conquest, but Machu Picchu was spared because it was hidden. Perched up on top of that mountain, Machu Picchu was invisible from below and not found by the Spanish. As a result, today, Machu Picchu is one of the most well-preserved Inca cities.

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Machu Picchu was Made Famous by Hiram Bingham III

In the early 1900s, an American professor named Hiram Bingham set out to find Vilcabamba. Or the so-called “Last Refuge of the Incas”. Vilcabamba is where the Incas were thought to have waged their final resistance against the Spanish.

During his exploration, one of his local guides told Professor Bingham that he knew of a city high up in the mountains and offered to take him to see it. Since Professor Bingham was looking for Vilcabamba, at first he wasn’t too keen. But eventually, he agreed, and lo-and-behold, what he saw amazed him. Even though it was completely overgrown, he recognized its potential and shared his discovery with Yale University, where he worked.

Over the next few decades, Machu Picchu was slowly excavated, studied, and restored.

Machu Picchu Fun Fact – Almost by accident, Hiram Bingham ended up stumbling upon one of the world’s most amazing structures. Thanks to him, it’s now one of the most famous, too!

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Machu Picchu is an Astronomical Observatory

For a society that didn’t even have writing, it’s amazing how much the Incas knew about the heavens. As a civilization, they worshipped the sun and the moon and seem to have dedicated a lot of time to understanding their movements and those of the stars.

Even without the precise scientific instruments we use today, the people of the Inca empire managed to build structures at Machu Picchu that perfectly aligned with these movements. The four corners of part of the Intihuatana stone perfectly align with each of the 4 cardinal directions – East, South, North, and West.

How could they have known which way was North without a compass? The Temple of the Sun features a window that, on one day of the year – the solstice, June 21st – perfectly aligns with the sun, letting the sunbeams pour in through the window.

This seems to show just how important the natural world was for the Incan people. It was such an important part of their cosmology that they could t help but incorporate these sacred elements into the building of Machu Picchu.

According to Johan Reinhard, “It’s an example of cosmology intertwining with a sacred landscape that is virtually unique in the Andes”. You can read more about the sacred landscape of the site and Mac Picchu mountain in his book, Machu Picchu: Exploring an Ancient Sacred Center.

If you’re looking for more amazing books about Machu Picchu for kids, check out my recommendations.

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How the Incas Cut the Stones is Still a Mystery

The Incas were amazing stoneworkers. They used a technique called ashlar to build the stone structure at Machu Picchu. This is where the stones are cut to fit together without needing mortar in between them to bind them together. The ashlar technique requires expert skill and precision. The buildings at Machu Picchu are so well-built that not even a knife blade can fit between the stones!

Machu Picchu Fun Fact – Although the Incas had very advanced engineering skills, they actually did not develop the wheel as we know it.

It seems they understood the concept – and probably employed some fashion to help transport the big, heavy stones up to Machu Picchu. However, they did not create wheeled transport, like carts or wheelbarrows. It would have taken hundreds of men to push the rocks up the steep mountain!

Instead, they may have used wheel-like cylindrical logs to roll big blocks of stone along the ground and up ramps to help transport the stone.

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Inca Trail Fact – Machu Picchu Was One Part of a Large Network of Inca Cities

Here’s an interesting fact about Machu Picchu that many people don’t know: During the course of their empire, the Incas built a vast network of roads called the Qhapaq Nan, or Royal Path. These “Inca Trails” connected the four corners of their territory, including parts of what are today Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Chile and northern Argentina. All in all, they built somewhere between 23,000 and 45,000 km (1 292 to 27,961 miles) of road!

One of the most interesting features of the Qhapaq Ñan is how it connects many of what we consider today to be the major sites of the Inca civilization: Choquequirao, Llactapata, Vilcabamba and Machu Picchu, to name a few.

So while the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is the most famous stretch of Inca roads, at 42km long, it is really just a drop in the bucket! There are actually many more intact Inca trails that weave their way through the mountains around Cusco – and beyond!

The most famous part of the Qhapaq Nan is the Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Think you want to hike with kids? Find out whether you should take your children trekking in Peru here. If you’ve decided to go for it, read more about trekking the Inca trail with kids here.

What’s the Milky Way Got to do with Machu Picchu?

Willka Mayu (the name the Incas called the Milky Way in Quechua and translates as “the Sacred River”).

Nowadays, it’s known as the Vilcanota River, then the Urubamba, eventually becoming the Hoya del Amazonas, then the Marañón, which is the large western tributary of the Amazon River to joins the Ucayali to form the Amazon River (or “Amazonas,” as it is called in Peru). It is one of the main Peruvian rivers and is part of the Amazon Basin.

The Urubamba River wraps around the mountains where the Inca city of Machu Picchu is built and runs through the valley from the city of Ollantaytambo to the town of Aguas Calientes; Trains to Machu Picchu travel along the banks of the Urubamba River to the Inca city.

The river surrounds the mountain Huayna Picchu in a circular way, giving rise to an enigmatic and unique landscape that has inspired thousands of people. Speaking of the Amazon, Amazon rainforest facts for kids is a great read about the Amazon inlcuding the Peruvian Amazon.

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Who Still Lives at Machu Picchu?

Who still lives at Machu Picchu? Llamas! Llamas belong to the camelid family and are a common sight at Machu Picchu. They are one of 4 camelid species native to Peru and were used b the Incas mainly as pack animals.

What are the Other Camelid Species in Peru?

In addition to llamas, there are also alpacas, vicuñas and guanacos. Guanacos and vicuñas are still wild, while alpacas, like llamas, are raised by mountain people, just like sheep. Learn more about The Differences Between A llamas And Alpacas For Kids.

Also, check out our Fun Llama Facts for Kids. Or learn more about alpacas with our Fun Facts about Alpacas for Kids and Curious Adults.

There are many animals at Machu Picchu to spot. You can see lots of llamas grazing. If you want to snap a llama selfie, this is the best place to do it!

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Is Machu Picchu the Most-Visited Tourist Attraction in Peru?

Between 2000-2500 people visit Machu Picchu every single day. That’s a lot! Every year, more than a million people enter the imperial city.

Of those 2000 people per day, about 200 enter Machu Picchu through the Sun Gate after hiking the famous Inca Trail.

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Do You Need A Guide To Visit Machu Picchu?

Why do you need to visit Machu Picchu with a guide? One, because it’s the rules! You will not be permitted to enter Machu Picchu nowadays without a guide. Two, because there are no signs or labels providing tourist information at Machu Picchu.

To address your curiosity, you can visit the Museo de Sitio Manuel Chávez Ballón. This museum lies just a few miles away from Machu Picchu, at the base of the path up to the site.

The Museo de Sitio provides all the information about the various buildings of Machu Picchu and contains artifacts. But it is no match for having a guide personally explain everything g to you, step by step, along the way.

A Child was the First Guide Around Machu Picchu!

Here’s one you don’t read that often: a child was the first person to lead American explorer Hiram Bingham around the ruins. The child, named Pablito, was around 11 years old and the son of a family farming the terraces of Machu Picchu – so he knew the site well.

Accounts differ, but apparently Bingham’s official guide and local expert thought the ruins were inconsequential and chose to leave Bingham to be led by a child. How wrong he was!

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Get Your Passport Stamped!

One of the most fun & unexpected things about visiting Machu Picchu – especially for kids – is that you are rewarded with a special stamp in your passport!

When you enter Machu Picchu, be sure to show your passport at the gate, and you will receive a special stamp of Machu Picchu. This is proof that you visited this incredible site! It’s an amazing souvenir to show all your friends.

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Nobody Can Drive to Machu Picchu – You Have to Hike the Inca Trail or Catch the Train

Due to its location, it’s impossible to drive to Machu Picchu. Although Peru has roads and cars, it’s just impossible to get to Machu Picchu this way. The only way to reach Machu Picchu is to hike or go by train. Goi g by train is definitely the better option with kids!

The journey takes around 4 hours by train from Cusco to Machu Picchu. If you have teens and you’re planning to hike Machu Picchu, you will need to walk the Inca Trail. Climbing Machu Picchu + Inca trail hike takes 2-4 days, depending on ability and takes you through the picturesque valley of Incas.

You can follow many trails, varying from the full climb up Machu Picchu mountain to getting the train up and going on one of the four short trails around the Machu Picchu citadel.

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Huayna Picchu is a Must-Climb!

Here’s a fun Machu Picchu fact for kids: while we use the term “Machu Picchu” to refer to the archaeological complex itself, it’s also the name of the mountain on which the city sits! Facing Machu Picchu is another mountain. You’ve probably noticed that iconic, pointy mountain in the background of every picture you’ve seen of Machu Picchu.

What is this mountain called? Huayna Picchu! Remember how we learned what Machu Picchu means ( int: it means ld peak”!)? Well, Huayna Picchu means “young peak”!

Did you know? You can actually climb to the top of Huayna Picchu! It’s a pretty intimidating climb and not for the faint-hearted! With a steep climb upwards and death-defying drops on either side of the trail, this hike is not for small children or anyone with a fear of heights.

If you do venture up, the view from the top is a stunning panorama of the entire Machu Picchu site. Only 400 permits for Huayna Picchu are issued daily, so make sure you book early to ensure you get a spot!

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The Verdict – Top 20 Fun Facts about Machu Picchu for Kids

Machu Picchu is such an amazing place. There are so many Machu Picchu facts for kids to share.

We hope you have learned some new and interesting facts about this sacred site. If you want to teach your kids more Machu Picchu facts, why not l ok at my recommendations of the Top Peru Books for Children?

Have you ever visited Machu Picchu? Maybe you have some more fun Machu Picchu facts and information to share? Let us know in the comments below! And, if you will be visiting there, check out our Tips for Visiting Machu Picchu with Kids post.

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